Friday, May 11, 2012

This is the owlet's newest obsession. We even rented a video from the library all about Trucks. He says "ooOOOoo" in the most excited way, I can't even stand it. In the car, while we're walking, cars, trucks, motorcycles go by and he's all "oooOOOOOooo."

How did I get so lucky?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Saying Goodbye

My Grandfather passed away about a week ago. It was a long time coming, he had been ill for quite some time. But whether it was expected or not, death and loss still hurts. I don't think I've given myself the time or the space to grieve, really.

The Owlet and I flew out to Florida for the funeral this past week. It was an incredibly difficult trip, partly because I was without the hubs, partly because of what we were flying out for. I was able to attend the wake, which was hard, but the Owlet's Grampa kept him entertained while I said my good-byes. It was good he did, because we were not able to go to the funeral. Someone decided to become fidgety and screamy just as it started. I don't blame him. I think he picked up on my sadness and stress and decided that mommy didn't really want to be there anyway. But I'm sad that I didn't get to go.

My Grandfather was a pretty great man. He served in the military, during WWII and Korea. He worked for the railroad for 30+ years, and he always made me laugh. In no particular order, here are things that I will always remember and love about my Grampa.

-He used to tell us this story, "It was a daaaark and stormy night. And Romeo sat by the firelight." (that was all I ever remember him telling us of it)
-He used to sing "OOoooh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!" at the top of his lungs when my cousin and I would spend summers there. Every morning, but especially when he wanted to get us up too early for church.
-He always used to ask me how the Indians were up in New Hampshire.
-He'd tell me that my Gramma would say "James P" when she was mad at him, and he'd say "but I don't have to!"
-My cousin and I put on roller skating shows in their basement when we were younger to Fresh Prince's "Parents Just Don't Understand." He put up with it. :D

He was a wonderful man, and he will so be missed. The Owlet will carry him in his memory, even if he only ever met him on Skype.

I love you Grampa.